As Above So Below

I am interested in the relationship between our inner and outer worlds, and the way in which we simultaneously exist in both. In light of this, the concept of liminality is one that I often find myself returning to. The word liminal refers to something initial or transitory - something that sits at, or on both sides of a boundary or threshold. I see liminal spaces as kinetic and transformative and attempt to keep an element of this alive in my work.

As above So Below took as it’s point of departure the forest as a metaphor for the psyche, as one might find in storytelling. The deeper one ventures into the forest, the darker and stranger it becomes. The forest is often the place the protagonist must enter to meet the antagonist and overcome obstacles. The place from which they invariably return transformed in some way.  The two trees that form the centre of this exhibition reference two instances of the “world tree” ; the tree of life and the tree of knowledge.

I am curious about the manner in which we (seemingly arbitrarily) attach meaning and sentiment to things as signs and symbols. This meaning often becomes ever more complex and layered over time through a process of diverse and repetitive interpretation. I use many familiar symbols in my work as a sort of visual cue for interpretive participation.